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 Nemisis's tutorial on how to improve ur game

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Nemisis's tutorial on how to improve ur game Empty
PostSubject: Nemisis's tutorial on how to improve ur game   Nemisis's tutorial on how to improve ur game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2008 6:19 pm

This is a follow up on <]XS[>Marine's AWESOME write up and you should read up ojn his write up starting with his first one.

Here's a few things I've learned over the last 10 months Ive been playing and credit goes to CD, T2K Red Riot and SoH Reflex for the tip's that have asterick's (*) next to them.

The most important thing is that you play the game to have fun, PERIOD! Dont consume yourself with "being the best" and NEVER fall into the temptation of cheats, cvars, hacks or video card tweaks to gain an edge, not only will you be ip tagged, frap'd and this info be shared with V|o|D and T2K you ruin the challenge and essential FUN of the game.

Let's start off with
Game Set up and Weapon Binding: The audible wall hack.

*Its paramount to hear what is going on and where the sound is coming from in your survival in SOF2. Try turning off the "in game music" by navagating to your menu (if your in game already press esc/options/sound) move the "music" slider all the way to the left and while your at it, move the SFX (or whatever the other is called, maybe Main) one all the way to the right. Now you can hear nothing but foot steps, pickups and shooting. This will "tell" you where a player is at in the game. When you get real good at this it's almost like a wallhack but better cuz your not cheating.

Weapon Binds: The ability to get you out of tight spots and to make sure the battle goes your away.

* This is something CD also taught me is learning to use the number keys to select a particular weapon for the instance. For those of you who have a side button for mouse I have an alternative. A few you should remember, #3 is your shotgun(s) #5 is AK or M4 and #7 is your RPG7 MM1 and M60- (if available try not to pick it up on most servers other than my Fun Server as its too inaccurate) I personally press 3 and 5 manually and i bind my side mouse to #7. Try different bindings with your mouse or keyboard and see what works for you. You really need to get used to pressing these buttons as they'll save you if someone is across map and is shooting at you from behind a box, you can whip out RPG and shoot right next to them killing them. Another scenario is you can switch between the AK and M4 rapidly thus you have 100 rounds combined as opposed to your standered 50 then having to reload in battle. This WILL save you many times when fighting a player that has matched skill and the difference lies in who has the most bullets at a given time.

Turning up the brightness or gamma: Will make things a little brighter so you can see targets that are far off.

Also located in Menu. This will help you see movement better when a character is "blended in" to the background.


Now let's cover movements and in game

Reading the in game info at top left corner.
This will tell you who is where and what they got. If you are in shop and you see someone was Sniped then you know there is someone on the roof near the window washing lift. Same with M60, grenades, uzi, possibly shotgun and definatley RPG.

Learning the high jump and what I call the strafe jump: Makes you VERY difficult to hit and waste the enemies ammo.
There are 3 types of jumps:
1.regular jump
2.High jump (crouch+Jump)

Then there is the Strafe jump...

Reflex and Red Riot taught me this and its awesome but very difficult at first. This jump will make it so you can jump on "air" thus still moving fast yet your silent, it also makes it so you can jump higher and faster than even the high jump (crouch+jump). To perform this jump you must first make a regular jump but right as you are about to land you press jump again but this time using either your left strafe or right, then as you are about to land again this time you jump and use the OPPOSITE strafe key you used in the prior jump. *So it would look like this: jump, jump + left strafe, jump + right strafe, then rinse and repeat. This is a VERY hard jump to get use to but when you do you can actually move about twice as fast as any other players and can also jump from say the seating in the Hospital map through the window above where the sniper rifle is. This is the map with the helicopter pad. I will update this with a video example.
Learning to jump while shooting (keeping aim) is SO important. I survive alot of battles by jumping around as most of you have seen. Learn to do this and learn the timing of jumping as well.

Creating a routine: This will aid in getting better ratio's.

*CD has also taught me this although he is good enough to use the entire map as well with the same results. The best way to explain this is to give you an example.
Say your in Hk (the one with a car and bridge) Try limiting your running around to checking the elevator shaft, making your way to upper hall window, then to room with MM1 then back track but take the stairs and check the lower level of that area. Rinse and repeat this. When you get good enough you can then try more areas or different one's. This is not camping as you are still covering a third of the map. I will update this as well with video examples.

Checking your corners: This will keep you from getting your head blown off when rushing through a doorway.

Get used to crouch leaning a popular doorway when you enter a room. This will keep you alive when there is either a camper or someone controling a room. Do not get in the habit of leaning or crouching in the middle of the doorway as it defeats the purpose of using the doorway as cover and making yourself un seen or less of a target. I see so many people "checking" their doorways in the MIDDLE of the doorway, I just LOL ,aim lower and shoot them in the head.

Walking: This is another stealth tactic as its makes you silent and improves ratio's.

I use this usually in hallways or say your in a battle and one or both of you seek cover to reload, maybe your going in cirlces around that cover tryna find one another, what I do is then use my walk key and listen to where they are and go the opposite direction to sneak up on them and Ill press my #3 and use the shotgun to take off their head. You can also just sneak around and make stealthy kills this way.


Now let's cover Shooting techniques:

Leading your shots and learning your ping: Will kill faster and less wasted ammo.

First things first, LEARN YOUR PING!!! This will help determine how much you need to "lead" your shots when in battle. For those of you that dont understand what this means, Other than my Fun Server, where you aim is NOT where you hit. There is recoil, inaccuracy and your PING that determine where your bullets will go. After you mastered bursting your gun (next tip) then you also need to learn the timing and point of shot placement whilst moving. The only way to determie this is to take a while and just use an auto gun and PAY ATTENTION to where your bullets hit when you are shooting at someone while moving. I bet you'll notice alot of times they are a few feet off. This is one of the most important and not so known tricks of the game. For some guy's they have to shoot ahead of a guy even a inch or more on their screen to hit them. That is an example of "leading your shots".

Controling your weapon: Will increase aim and kill effectiveness

Always shoot in burst 3-5 rounds at a time even if you have to keep pressing your fire button. I know it's easy to "panic" when in a close battle but you need to out aim and out think your opponent at that time. Shooting this way will make sure where your aiming you will hit as long as you take all factors mentioned here into account. If you do not have the willpower to burst your gun press the fire rate button (see menu for which key) and set to "burst" Now if you get good at learning your ping and all these factors you can do like I do and hold the fire down for say a third or more of a clip and still get the same effect. I SEE my string of bullets and can "cut" a person neck level with that string resulting in the same quick kill.

-Also one of the little known tricks is to keep your gun aimed at poplular spots on a map and even more so where someone would end up should then come around a corner. For example, say your approaching a door way from an angle or your navigating a hallway that appoaches a corner, instead of aiming direcly at the corner or doorway, keep in mind how fast a player can move and aim ahead of the doorway so that if they come running through it, all you have to do is pull the trigger since your now already lined up. Works everytime.

Always keep your gun at neck or head level: Very fast kills, more ammo and more headshots.

Get in the habit of going for headshots ONLY. Even if you do not get them all the time you still will kill faster than the guy shooting at you, which will result in you living longer and you PWNing him.


Some crosshair tweaks. To use these i manully add them to my sof2mp.cfg located in sof2/base/mp or sof2/rpm. Im sure you can type these into the console as well minus the ".

Crossahir colors and sizes:

/cg_crosshairsize 8 ---3-24 is fine, I use an 8
/cg_crosshairRGBA 1,0,0,1 ---that is for red, google it to find more colors.
/cg_crosshairGrow 0 --this will make it so your crosshair wont get big when shooting.

Heres the strafe jump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsKp1b97u1A

That's all I have time for right now. I think this compliments Marines nicely and I hope you all use it. Other clans can use this as long as they mention I wrote this not pass off as their writing

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